by Saul Pressman
We now understand the chemical mechanisms of respiration and fermentation at the cellular level. And due to the work of Dr. Otto Warburg, since 1926 we have known that when a cell is deprived of oxygen, down to about 40% of normal, its respiration is irrevesibly damaged. This damage causes the cell to begin to ferment sugar anaerobically producing carbon monoxide and lactic acid, and only 1/6 of the energy of normal cellular aerobic oxidation. The cell loses its governor on growth and begins to grow wildly - - what we call cancer.
This oxygen deficiency, or hypoxia, can be caused by many factors. Some poison may reach the cell and prevent oxygen uptake, or the excretory duct of a gland may become plugged up, as in breast cancer being cause by lymph gland plugging. But the end result is the same. As soon as the oxygen level to the cell is reduced, if the cell does not die, cancer will result. Frequent small doses of respiratory poisons are therefore more dangerous than a single large dose, where there is the chance that the cells will be killed rather than become cancerous.
All carcinogens impair cellular respiration. The word carcinogen is an empty word. The continual search for more carcinogenic substances is an utter waste of time and money, because this obscures the true cause of cancer, which is the oxygen starvation of the cell. It also prevents the treatment of cancer, because of musunderstanding the cause.
To destroy cancer, what is required is the introduction of massive amounts of oxygen at the cellular level. This can be done by ingesting magnesium peroxide or introducing ozone. These two treatments have been in use for over 75 years, with excellent success. They must be taken in sufficient quantities to flood the cells with oxygen, killing the cells which are now operating anaerobically.
We have recently seen people using ozone with rectal insufflation who have had mixed results. This is due to the bowel being compacted over the years with fecal material trapped in the folds. In these cases, the ozone is merely reacting with this old material, some of which may have been held there for ten or twenty years, and providing no benefit to the body.
This points out the necessity for undergoing a thorough cleansing of the large intestine by a qualified colon therapist before beginning rectal insufflation. Also, it is necessary to take the ozone in as many different ways as possible, in order that the cells become flooded with oxygen. It is not sufficient to take just a small amount to kill an active cancer.
For breast cancer, direct injection into the tumor is possible. For liver cancer, injection into the portal vein, as developed by Dr. William Turska, is necessary. For other cancers, injection in the arm is usually employed.
Another effect we have observed is that there is a cycle of activity to the effectiveness of ozone. As near as we can tell, the cycle is linked to the phases of the moon. The moon governs the tides of the earth and the emotions of mankind. Since the emotions are directly linked to the immune system, the healing process would seem to be influenced by our faithful heavenly partner.
Ozone also has the ability to prevent cancer.
If sufficient oxygen is provided to the cells so that they never drop below 40%,
they will stay healthy, barring any chemical or radiation poisoning.
It is as simple, and as difficult, as that.
Many people today are using ozone generators to keep their cellular oxygen levels high, to prevent disease. Ozone may be taken into the body in many ways. You can drink ozonated water, introduce it into the ear, or you can step into a body suit after a hot shower and allow ozone to come in through the skin.
Ozone can be taken with rectal or vaginal insufflation. People often ask whether they will have to continue to take ozone for the rest of their life. We say that if you want to eliminate toxins from your body every day and prevent your cells from being deprived of oxygen and thus turning anaerobic, then taking ozone daily is a small price to pay.
As previously said, when a cell is not receiving enough oxygen, it begins to ferment sugar and produce lactic acid. This lactic acid accumulates in the tissues and causes many problems.
To remove it, it is necessary to do deep muscle massage, with ozonated olive oil, perhaps followed by ozone with a body suit or in th Saunette. This will oxidize the lactic acid and allow it to be eliminated from the body. We hear a great deal about cholesterol and clogging of the arteries, and there are any number of diets aimed at reducing the intake of dietary cholesterol. However, cholesterol is produced by the body as a natural lubricant, and new research shows that dietary cholesterol intake is not directly related to cholesterol levels.
The problem is apparently caused by chlorine reacting with the cholesterol and causing it to coagulate on the walls of the arteries, forming plaque. The sources of chlorine are many, but the major ones are the drinking water supply and the salt in food. We have been told to lower our intake of sodium, but chlorine seems to be a worse culprit, especially in atherosclerosis, heart disease and high blood pressure. When ozone is ingested over time, it scours out the arteries by oxidizing the plaque, cleaning the system so blood can flow properly.
Ozone also reduces the clumping of red blood cells, enabling them to pick up oxygen in the lungs, and increasing their flexibility, which is crucial to microcirculation through the fine capillaries.
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Oxygen is the most vital element required for human life and it is the key to good health. We can survive without water for a week and go without food for a month, but we can only live a few minutes without oxygen.
Oxygen is the life-giving, life-sustaining element. All body activities require oxygen. Through oxidation, the body generates heat and energy from its fuel, and disposes of wastes and microbes.
Our bodies are two-thirds water. Of that water, ten per cent is blood and ninety per cent is lymph. Since the water in our bodies is itself 8/9 oxygen by weight, we are therefore composed of over 50% oxygen. The best way to optimize health is to oxygenate every cell in our body. The more oxygen we have in our system, the more energy we produce, and the more efficiently we can eliminate wastes. Good health is dependent on the production, maintenance and flow of energy, which is produced by the oxidation of sugar.
Oxidation is central to metabolism, circulation, respiration, digestion, assimilation and elimination. Oxygen purifies the blood, keeping it free of cellular waste buildup. Sufficient oxygen allows the body to rebuild itself and maintain the immune system. Healthy cells require sugar, amino acids, minerals, hormones, enzymes and oxygen.
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The Cause of Cancer
The link between insufficient oxygen and disease has been firmly established. Insufficient oxygen can result in anything from mild fatigue to life-threatening disease.
Dr. Otto Warburg was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1931 and again in 1944 for discovering the cause of cancer. He said, "Cancer has only one prime cause. The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of normal oxygen respiration of body cells by an anaerobic (oxygen-less) cell respiration."
The National Cancer Institute (United States) endorsed Dr. Warburg's findings in 1952.
Once the level of oxygen available to a cell drops below 60% of normal, the cell is forced to switch to an inferior method of energy production -- fermentation. The cell can never be returned to the proper oxidation system, and loses its governor on replication. It begins to reproduce copies of itself wildly, a condition we call cancer.
Dr. Warburg pointed out that any substance that deprived a cell of oxygen was a carcinogen, if the cell was not killed outright. He stated in 1966 that it was useless to search out new carcinogens, because the result of each one was the same, cellular deprivation of oxygen. He further stated that the incessant search for new carcinogens was counter-productive because it obscured the prime cause, lack of oxygen, and prevented appropriate treatment.
The National Cancer Institute (United States) endorsed Dr. Warburg's findings in 1952.
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Confirmation of Dr. Warburg's Work
The National Cancer Institute (United States) endorsed Dr. Warburg's findings in 1952.
This research was continued by Dr. Harry Goldbatt, who published his findings in the Journal of Experimental Medicine in 1953. His research confirmed that lack of oxygen plays the major role in causing cells to become cancerous.
Dr. Albert Wahl said, "Disease is due to a deficiency in the oxidation process of the body, leading to an accumulation of toxins. These toxins are ordinarily burned in normal oxidation."
Dr. Wendell Hendricks of the Hendricks Research Foundation wrote: " Cancer is a condition within the body where the oxidation has become so depleted that the body cells have degenerated beyond control. The body is so overloaded with toxins that it sets up a tumor mass to harbor these poisons and remove them from general activity within the body."
Dr. Hendricks further states, "The true cause of allergy is a lowered oxidation process within the body, causing the body to be sensitive to substances entering. Only when the oxidative mechanism is restored to a higher state of efficiency can the sensitivity be eliminated."
Dr. Strphen Levine stated, "Hypoxia, or the lack of oxygen in the tissues, is the fundamental cause of all degenerative diseases."
Dr. Norman McVea said, "When the body has sufficient oxygen, it is able to properly eliminate toxic wastes from the system. Natural immunity is enhanced when the system is not burdened with a heavy buildup of toxins."
In the August 22, 1980 edition of the scientific journal "SCIENCE," Vol. 209, there was a report written by DR. Michael Carpendale entitled: "Ozone Selectivity Inhibits Growth of Human Cancer Cells."
It stated, in part, " The growth of human cancer cells from lung, breast and uterine cancers was selectively inhibited in a dose-dependent manner by ozone at 0.3 to .8 parts per million of ozone in ambient air during eight days of culture. Human lung diploid fibro-blasts served as non-cancerous control cells. The presence of ozone at 0.3 to 0.5 parts per million inhibited cancer cell growth at 40 and 60% respectively. The non-cancerous lung cells were unaffected at these levels. Exposure to ozone at 0.8 parts per million inhibited cancer cell growth more than 90% and control cell growth less than 50%. Evidently the mechanisms for defense against ozone damage are impaired in human cancer cells."
The evidence from these doctors' research is conclusive. Oxygen plays the primary role in health and well-being. It is important to note that fear, worry and depression all interfere with free breathing and thus reduce oxygen uptake.
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Achieving Superoxygenation
How can we ensure that our bodies are sufficiently oxygenated to eliminate toxins and prevent or cure disease? Scientific studies have proven repeatedly that medical ozone, properly introduced into the body in repeated applications, removes accumulated toxins and inactivates viruses, bacteria, fungi, yeast, protozoa and carcinomas in disease cells.
All harmful bacteria and viruses are anaerobic and cannot thrive in an oxygen-rich atmosphere.
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